As we enter March (with a nasty snow storm!), Mark and I look forward to seeing Howard and Daphne's spring fever. The sun is getting warmer now and Howard and Daphne will hang out on the deck on nicer days. We will enjoy more frequent walks during the week as sun stays up longer and longer.
Howard continues to amaze and amuse us. While he appeared comfortable in his new home with us from day one, we see that the longer he is here, the more relaxed he becomes. We feel that our consistency has shown Howard that he can depend us to care for him. That is, he knows that he will have breakfast at 6:15 and dinner at 5. He knows that when Mark and I have dinner, he and Daphne will share mine. He knows that when we leave the house, he will get a treat fi

lled kong. He knows that we are home on the weekends, he will sleep late, share breakfast with mom and go for a long walk. He knows when his harness and leash are on he's going to have fun. He knows that after Mark and I finish dinner, he will get a little treat and then go outside for last potty of the night. He knows that Monday is the worst day of the week for all of us, and seems a little sad the first part of the week. He knows that every weekday Sheree, his petsitter, will come to let him out and feed treats. Most importantly, we think he knows we love him unconditionally and that, for the rest of his life, he will never again have to wonder what the next day will or will not bring. He will just know.
Of course, Howard has taught us many things as well. We know that he will wag his tail whenever we walk into the room. We know the tickle spot on his tummy. We know

he loves to countersurf, but that it is our fault if we leave something in his reach. We know that he prefers to sleep on the couch at night, but will come sleep in our bed now and then. We know that he can't eat peas because of his crooked jaw... We know that he loves milk. We know that he can barely contain himself when he it's time for a walk. We know that he sneezes like an old man whenever he goes outside. We know that as an older dog, he has as much spunk and personality as a six month old puppy. We know that he can be trusted with other dogs, people and children. We know that we are lucky to have been given the opportunity to share our life with this extraordinary dog.
Thanks to those reponsible for saving his life and bringing him to ours (you know who you are)!