Hello. It's been too long since I have updated our
Twobullies blog. So let's get to it...shall we.. Howard is doing amazing. He is fully adapted to his new home and has become Mr. Routine along with sister (or girlfriend) Daphne.
Howard has been with us since November 15th so we are approaching our three month anniversary, and on Valentine's Day weekend no less. Note to self: bake something special for Howard and Daphne this weekend.

While it has only been three months, we feel like Howard has been with us forever and he seems to feel that way as well. I would say that between the time he spent with Mari and the three months with us, Howard's health is thriving. We have not been the vet once since his anal sac issue (phew!) cleared up and he simply lives to eat! Of course, we're total pushovers for that because we know he was malnourished in his former life (which we don't like to think about).
For the first month or so, Howard had his own room where he stayed during the day while we were at work. It was a cozy room with a large cozy crate (from which we removed
e door - so he knew he would NEVER been in there all day!) complete with foam bedding, blanket's etc. He also had a lovely new shag area rug, a chair and half, if case he didn't want to crash in the crate or the carpet. He also had two windows to see outside and a small hallway just for change of
scenery. Mark and I really put a lot of thought in to his "pad" and he seemed pretty comfortable, at first! Then about a month later, after nearly two weeks of
hangin out with Daddy while he was on vacation, Howard decided he was done with his room.
You see, during

Mark's vacation Howard and Daphne were
livin the high life (while I was working -
hmmpf!), sleeping late,
lazin' around the house, taking walks during the day with Daddy. Howard had gotten into the habit of coming upstairs with Daphne after breakfast and going back to bed for the morning. So the Monday that Mark and I both went to work, Howard was upstairs on the bed, relaxing. I called him from downstairs.... no response. I called him again... "
Howard, come get your
kong, mommy's going to work!" Nothing!
Ok... so this dog has been like -- my shadow until today! I realize, he's not coming down, he doesn't want to go into his room. So, I left. He's never gone back to his room.
One of the best things we've experienced is the first time that Howard and D
aphne played together. It was so great to see them hopping and
play bowing with each other. When they really get going, Howard turns into zany boy running like a
over sized greyhound from one end of the house to the other. Daphne can't keep up with him so she just stays in the middle and tries to, as Mark says, "hip check" him on his way by. They also tend to just hang out together and most of time are in the same room when we come home. They have even learned to share the "green couch" the number one favorite in our house.
Anyway, I will try to post more...but things have gone so smoothly with Howard that I have little to report and fear the blog will become boring and repetitive. So our posts may become few and far between, but we will do our best to keep up with it.

Adopting Howard has been an amazing experience. Sandy told me once that Howard is a "once in a lifetime" kind of dog. Boy, was she right!! (Sandy, have I thanked you lately). His spirit and spunk are simply incredible and when I think of what could have happened to our boy, my heart breaks a little. (with pet sitter Sheree - above)
Sandy told me that she sent this blog to a fellow volunteer because some feel that older dogs are unadoptable and Howard's story is proof that is simply not true. I'm going to just take a minute to use this medium as a soapbox. My husband and I love all animals. We are especially fond of dogs, and the bullmastiff specifically. When we lost our 7-year old to cancer last year, our hearts were broken, but we knew that there were so many dogs out there that needed homes.
At first we wer
e discouraged because so many rescue dogs have issues that were not conducive to our home environment considering we had Daphne to think about. Then we met Howard and saw how amazing he is and how Daphne responded to him, his age was simply a non-issue. In fact, for us, if any dog needs a home, it's an older dog. We feel that even if a dog has only a short time left on this earth (and who really knows for sure), why not make it the best time ever! Afterall, as Howard as shown a lifetime of hurt can be healed quickly with unconditional love. : )
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